well, carson and i headed down to phoenix children's hospital at 6:15 this morning. we checked in and had just gotten john wayne playing on our portable dvd player when they called us back for his tests. carson held real still for his chest x-ray, then he was given some contrast to drink (we put it in his strawberry juice). this contrast "lights" up the stomach and pelvis area so they can better see these areas when the cat scan is done. unfortunately, it took 2 pokes to get an iv going-let's just say carson was mad when they missed the first one in his arm. the iv was needed for a different contrast they inject into an iv 60 seconds before the cat scan is done. this iv contrast "lights" up all the organs to make sure they are clean of cancer. the nurses wrapped him up like a burrito for the cat scan, they drew labs and he was done! oh, don't forget - his 1st time to pee in the cup, usually i have to collect his urine on cotton balls. it is necessary to collect urine to make sure the kidney is working properly. he will most likely have to collect urine samples for the rest of his life. so the cup worked out very nicely! we were out by 10 am and off to saba's western store we went. since he did such a great job holding still for the x-ray, iv-poke, cat scan and drinking the yucky contrast he scored a new cowboy hat and black belt. he was awesome!! such a strong, brave cowboy!
we meet friday april 17th with the oncologist to go over the results. now i get to focus on an Easter talk for sacrament meeting :) talk about a stressful week!