Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Take it as "no news is good news"

well i feel like a big looser since it has been forever and day since i have last updated.......i can come up with a ton of excuses (no computer for about 6 months) but i won't.

life has been great for carson, he is healthy and well and we don't take one day for granite!!
this year we moved from quarterly scans to semi-annually scans!  we are so grateful for this blessing, especially mom, whos acid reflux has improved TREMENDOUSLY!

carson had scans in janurary and then again on july 6th- and we are so thankful, yet again, that he is cancer free! 

he loves playing with his brothers especially if it has to do with guns :) yes ask him his name and chances are he'll say "Carson Matthew John Wayne Barney".

he has become quite the little swimmer this summer and enjoys watching the old A-Team episodes on the computer with his brother Dallin.

he is looking forward to staring pre-school in august.