Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Whooooo!! Clean Scans!!!
we met with dr. watanabe this afternoon and his exact words were "carson's scans look wonderful, except for the missing kidney that the surgeon took" for some reason he always reminds us of the missing kidney, i sometimes wonder if he thinks we think it is going to grow back or something :). my eyes swelled up with tears when he told us this wonderful news. just grateful for yet another miracle in our lives! we have been blessed with many. i was a little bummed, though to find out during carson's exam his left ear tube has already fallen out-he just got it put back in the end of january. other then the missing ear tube and kidney carson looks great! full of life and ENERGY! carson is due for scans, again, in july.
on a typical day carson is a cowboy, but today he wanted to be a soccer player. here he is in his "soccer uniform"
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Scan Day
well, carson and i headed down to phoenix children's hospital at 6:15 this morning. we checked in and had just gotten john wayne playing on our portable dvd player when they called us back for his tests. carson held real still for his chest x-ray, then he was given some contrast to drink (we put it in his strawberry juice). this contrast "lights" up the stomach and pelvis area so they can better see these areas when the cat scan is done. unfortunately, it took 2 pokes to get an iv going-let's just say carson was mad when they missed the first one in his arm. the iv was needed for a different contrast they inject into an iv 60 seconds before the cat scan is done. this iv contrast "lights" up all the organs to make sure they are clean of cancer. the nurses wrapped him up like a burrito for the cat scan, they drew labs and he was done! oh, don't forget - his 1st time to pee in the cup, usually i have to collect his urine on cotton balls. it is necessary to collect urine to make sure the kidney is working properly. he will most likely have to collect urine samples for the rest of his life. so the cup worked out very nicely! we were out by 10 am and off to saba's western store we went. since he did such a great job holding still for the x-ray, iv-poke, cat scan and drinking the yucky contrast he scored a new cowboy hat and black belt. he was awesome!! such a strong, brave cowboy!
we meet friday april 17th with the oncologist to go over the results. now i get to focus on an Easter talk for sacrament meeting :) talk about a stressful week!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The anticipated phone call
this was my conversation with carson the other day:
carson: mom can i have a sucker
me: sure, you can have ONE
carson: okay, mom ONE
(carson comes back eating THREE suckers)
me: how many suckers are you eating?
carson: THREE
me: why? i told you ONE
carson: well, i am THREE so i need to eat THREE of 'em
me: good answer carson! with a smile on my face and his, he enjoyed eating THREE suckers
Saturday, February 28, 2009
An Amazing Race
this is the awesome decorated suburban!
well, my mom and all her friends did an AMAZING job on their relay! i know it was one of the hardest things my mom physically has done. thanks mom! and all her crazy friends!
7 am right before the race started
in white: monika, michelle, martha, kati, aprel, jen
in green: megan, whitney, nicolina (they were our awesome volunteers)
way to start us off!
she ran up the mountain (it wasn't a hill)
you would have never thought she's never ran before!
getting ready with her bandana, i-pod, and garmin
runner #6 my mom
stretching, just about to start her 1st run of the relay
34 1/2 hours from start to finish
(notice my mom's feet are off the ground)
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Count Down is On....................
i know all these ladies are going to do a great job, they are prepared! i think my mom is a little nervous especially when she does her run at midnight. my mom is a little afraid of the dark :)
i am looking forward seeing you all cross the finish line saturday night! go crusader's!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Crusading against children's cancer
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A 3 year old who loves Westerns
one of carson's new favorite pastime is to watch westerns staring john wayne. have you ever known a 3 year old who even know who john wayne is?? well, carson does and from the moment he gets up in the morning he wants to watch "my john wayne movie"- and to be honest, i find them sooooooo borning!! but he will sit on the couch for 2 hours with his eyes glued to the tv watching a western. a couple of years ago dave bought over 20 westerns on e-bay and put them in a box in our closet (thus for the westerns in our home) . carson found them a couple a weeks ago and since then EVERY day he watches a western. the other day we were going into the store and this was our conversation:
me: carson you need to leave your gun in the car
me: just shaking my head and smiling
carson: i promise mom i won't shoot anyone
me: okay you have to put it in your pocket
carson: it doesn't fit in my pocket
me: okay i will carry it for you
carson: no, mom, i will put it in my pants- it fits good there
off in the store we went and he did keep his promise! :-)
we also met with carson's cardiologist on friday (01/30). the type of hole in his heart will not close by itself (i guessed we were hoping). so we have opted to have his hole fixed at the end of next summer. it is major surgery-they will have to break his chest bone and then go in and patch the hole. it will require about a 5 day stay down at phoenix children's hospital and then about a 6 week recovery time. the cardiologist is not in a hurry to fix it because it is not harming him in any way or is damaging anything. he thinks the further away from chemotherapy the better his immune system will be. i know it is a major "thing" but i am not overwhelmed or stressed about it. i guess going through 7 months of chemotherapy puts a different perspective on things. all i know is carson is a strong little boy!
carson watching his john wayne western
carson with his movie and gun
Monday, January 26, 2009
Ear Tubes, Again
he was a little cranky when he came out of the anesthesia, he kept saying his tongue hurt. the nurses said he would probably be mellow-NOT! by the time we got home he as all energy. he watched one of his favorite movies "three ninjas" and then wanted to ride his bike.
as dave and i were in the waiting room, i looked at him and said "last time carson got tubes in his ear it started our journey of many, many visits to phoenix childrens hospital, maybe this time will end our journey" he smiled and said, yeah let's hope-there has to be a beginning and an end, right??
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hip Hip Hooray Another Great MIRACLE
as i was getting carson ready to go to his appointment, i told him we were going to see dr. watanabe (his oncologist) he yelled with enthusiasm "NO MORE CANCER" i said yes no more cancer!!